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Horizon Magazine

            Horizon is a futuristic lifestyle publication with a playful tone of voice that looks to inspire the imagination and celebrates the capabilities of humankind in the age of technology. Our audience are quirky and curious individuals of all ages with their eyes to the future. The issue’s content is defined under; Art, Architecture, Media, Fashion, and lifestyle. We explore this topic using a sleek maximalist style which allows for lots of creative exploration whilst keeping a running narrative throughout. This issue features VR work by Ruby Snell, allowing the reader to scan certain pages and the page comes to life in 3D.
            Horizon also contains a poster zine slip. This poser zine acts as a photo narrative exploring the theme of ‘Eschaton’. I was personally in charge of art directing 5 photoshoots, which I handmade props for and coordinated 5 different looks, which I then photographed.

Poster zine

VR Pages
